Through our Catalyst Coach Certification program, we are introduced to the Flow5 Coach process. Prior to going deeper into each topic, we were given a brief overview of the entire process.
CORE – Every single person is unique, we all have different upbringing and the way we think differs even between siblings. Identifying our core includes clarifying our needs, focus and purpose in life. As we progress in life, through experiences and reflection, we begin to understand this area deeper and eventually become comfortable with who we truly are.
OUTCOME – Our vision and mission in life is the end goal or outcome that we hope to achieve. However, most of us go about life very broadly, we have dreams of a ‘better’ life, but that goal is not really defined or SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time bound). The difference between a successful coachee and an unsuccessful one is one who has their goal internalised… in their heart, body, mind and actually take action on it.
AWARENESS – At some point of our lives, we will ask these questions, “Am I doing this right? Am I qualified?” Once we identify our outcome, we need to come to that stage where we identify the filters that potentially hold us back. Our insights into where we are right now can truly release us and propel us into the future.
CONNECT – With awareness, comes that mind, body and heart connection to commit to an action. If we have negative thoughts, emotions and actions, it can lead to a life of inactivity and mediocrity. The opposite of this is also true. A challenged and activated person who realises all the strengths he currently possesses can go really far in life.
HIGH-POINT – I am sure there are moments in our lives when we suddenly have an ‘a-ha’ moment. These learning moments and realisations are so powerful that it changes the course of our lives forever, and eventually shapes our core. So we celebrate the high-points and eventually, the COACH process repeats itself again.
From my own life’s example, I realised that I have gone through this process before. When I became a parent, I was suddenly made aware even more of who I am as a person. I started to look at my upbringing, how that has shaped me to be who I am now. I knew deep down, that I wanted to be the best parent I could be, but honestly, that vision is just super vague and not SMART. When I started to face challenges with my children, it became clear to me that I didn’t have the skills to be the best parent I intended to be. I became completely frustrated about my own weaknesses (especially impatience) and there were times when I just lashed out at my poor, unsuspecting husband and children. Soon, I developed a resolve that I needed to learn skills to reach my end goal of raising kind, resilient and responsible children. As I read books, spoke to other parents and reflected on my journey, there were many aha moments that helped change the way I parented my children. When I made progress, I celebrated every little win (yay, they could sleep in their own room by age 6 months, yay, I can handle their tantrums better now… ). On and on it goes, up and down, through every challenge, but I know I am not at the same place I was 8 years ago).

This image shared during this webtorial really spoke to me. Nobody ends up successful by just thinking about it. We need the discipline to get there. We need to surrender the things that bog and hold us down. Let go of the trivial stuff. Ultimately, if we want success in any areas of our lives, we need to ask ourselves…
“Do we have the right discipline and habits to build the life we want? Or do we just surrender to the river of life, bringing us wherever it leads us?”
There is chaos in our minds sometimes because the future is uncertain. We desire something good for our lives, but our brain says, we need order and structure in life because it’s safe. Can we just release control and embrace the chaos so that we can flow? The only person holding us back is ourselves.