This topic scares and excites me at the same time. The thought of creating my own coaching model brings the reality of coaching as a potential career path to the forefront. I didn’t think I would come to this stage, but after many weeks of listening to Coach Mel and other inspiring, aspiring coaches, I am challenged to make this work.
Before I can create my model, it’s important to know what other models are out there. Previously, I discussed about the GROW model, which is a great model in itself. But here are 2 others that were discussed in the webtorial.
The FUEL Coaching Model
The FUEL coaching model was developed by John Zenger and Kathleen Stinnett. Understanding the state and context of the client seems to be the focus of this model. We go through many different states depending on the current situation in our life at that point in time. Perhaps, our mental state is fine, but our emotional state could be in a mess. This model uses a lot of open-ended questions to unlock the desired states so that the coachee can work towards a success plan.

OSKAR Solutions focused model
The OSKAR model was developed by Mark McKergow and Paul Z Jackson to focus on solutions, more than the problems itself. Starting with the Outcome, it brings the coachee straight to what they want to achieve as a short term or long term goal. The scaling is basically the perspective to check in on where they are at currently, and then they work through the know-how and resources to get to the outcome faster. The coach can then affirm and reflect back the key strengths that the coachee has revealed, and ask them questions to direct towards action. Finally, they will review the actions taken to see what was effective.

Developing our own model

This step by step process is really important to kick start our thought process on how to build our own coaching model. I want to reach individuals, couples and families to live fulfilled lives, build strong marriages with intent towards purposeful parenting so they can raise the next generation of leaders. In 2016, I started sharing marriage and parenting content through this brand name, Comma: Rethink Life. For many years, I photographed couples getting married ( While many couples prepared months ahead for their wedding, most spent little time preparing for the marriage relationship. We spend many years educating ourselves in our career, but most of us do not invest time in educating ourselves on how to be a better spouse or parent.
It was out of this thought that I was inspired to start Comma. As I thought about my coaching model, I tried to think of an acrostic that can fit with the word COMMA.
The name Comma is a concept that I developed from this idea that our life is a series of stories that are compiled into chapters and eventually a book. I was sitting by the beach, on holiday with my husband Alex in New Zealand, when inspiration hit and we decided, why not the name, Comma: Rethink Life? By typical definition, a comma is a punctuation mark indicating a pause between parts of a sentence. By using the same pause analogy, I hope to create inspirational content that causes people to pause, reflect and rethink life.
My own coaching model: The COMMA model
After weeks of reflection, I finally came up with my own coaching model! When I reflected upon my own life and the changes I had implemented through the years, I realised there was a pattern to it. It’s really exciting to see how it all flows and sits so well within me.

In order to create the dream life that we want, I believe that we need to start with self-awareness. We need to understand our motivations and the filters that shape our lives. Once we are aware of who we are now, and who we want to become, we can work towards those goals by changing our lives, bit by bit. Growth doesn’t happen all of a sudden. It’s the sum of little habits that make the biggest difference. We will then need consistency to make those habits into a lifestyle. Once we have the momentum, we have to ensure we get the support we need through accountability partners who can journey alongside with us. Here are some questions I will ask during my coaching sessions, according to this model with the niche client that I have in mind.
CONSCIOUSNESS – Create awareness
- What is going on in your life?
- Where are you at now?
- What is happening within your family?
- What is working or not working?
- What is the result of this?
- How does your family background influence your thoughts?
- What seems to be out of place / missing?
- What motivates you?
OUTCOME – Own your goals
- How do you envision your life or family to be?
- What is your heart’s deepest desires?
- Who do you want to become?
- Why is this goal important to you?
- What would be the benefit of achieving your goals?
- What is the ideal outcome?
- How does a successful life look like to you?
- What values do you want to implement within your family?
- If time and resources are not a problem, what would you do?
MODIFICATION – Move towards change
- What have you already tried?
- What do you need to do to change your current situation?
- What have you done to improve the situation?
- What are the options you have to move forward?
- How do you use your time?
- What could you do if you had all the time in the world?
- What kind of mindset do you need to have?
- What current practices or habits that are not helpful and need to be removed?
MOMENTUM – Make new habits
- What could be your first step?
- What new habits do you need to adopt to make your goals a success?
- What can help you?
- How can you change your daily schedule?
- What are ways you can remind yourself to work on these new habits?
- On a scale of 1-10, how committed are you to this new habit creation?
- What will you do to reach your goal? By when?
ACCOUNTABILITY – Create a support system
- Who can support you?
- Where can you find an accountability partner?
- What other support do you need?
- How can you develop consistency in your habits?
- What milestones can you measure?
- How will you know you have successfully reached your goals?
I am excited about this coaching model and I can’t wait to put it into practice in the near future. So thankful for this CCC course and how it has shaped me into a baby coach! Step by step!